History: Experience and Expertise
Podkowa was established in 1987 and was one of the first transport companies with solely Polish capital in democratic Poland. Over the last 30 years in business, it has become a trustworthy partner on the transport market, both in Poland and abroad. Continually setting new goals from the very beginning, Podkowa has been building its market position mainly through competitiveness, innovation and internal stabilization, responding promptly to external factors.
Mission: People, Environment, Technology, Conscious and Sustainable Development, Social Responsibility
Podkowa has not been limiting itself to “clear business”. We have been focused on the quality and flexibility of the services we provide, thus responding to our clients’ needs. Through partnership relations with our clients and suppliers, in combination with attention to comfort, satisfaction and personal development of our staff, we have built trust in the marketplace.
We encourage you to read the section entitled “Podkowa and Euro-Truck. How to successfully develop a company through relations with your staff, local community and environment” in “Social Responsibility of Business over the Century of Poland’s Independence. Ethical Contribution of Enterprises in the Strengthening of Polish Economic Sovereignty.” Joint publication by dr M. Bąk, prof. dr hab. J. Komorowski, dr hab. P. Kulawczuk, dr hab. M. Szczepaniec, Warsaw 2018, ISBN: 978-83-62556-13-7 (https://iped.pl/pliki/artykuly/65/Przedsiebiorstwa-Podkowa-i-Euro-Truck_mini%20kejs.pdf).
Our modern headquarters is located in Mroków, by the S7 expressway, within the premises of the 3-hectare Commercial and Service Multiplex. The Company has a repair and body shop that provides a full range of garage services, including spare parts and tyres. With such workshop at our disposal, we can immediately handle all repairs and make sure our fleet is effectively used. As part of our environmental policy, in 2019 we implemented the project “Infrastructure for the production of renewable energy – air-to-air heat pumps and photovoltaics” within the framework of Priority Axis IV “Transition to Low-Emission Economy”, Action 4.1 “Renewable Energy Sources (RES)” of the Mazovia Voivodeship Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020. The objective of the project is to increase energetic efficiency, and facilitate the use of renewable energy and environment protection. The ultimate goal of the project is to eliminate the use of oil heaters and full transition to RES.
Our additional warehousing facility in Grzędy (located by the same expressway) makes it possible to expand our core business activity while developing the Company through additional types of activity.